In this assortment of junk journal printables, we’ve covered a rich variety of printables tailored for your junk journaling needs: vintage flower designs, timeless maps, classic sewing patterns, iconic fashion models from the 50s, sepia-toned papers, old-school cinema stubs, and so much more.
30 Times Artists Shared Their Work Online Proving They Worked Hard On Improving Their Skills
It's impressive how consistent practice over some period of time can improve our skills. This applies to various kinds of things, but today, we'd like to focus on artistic growth. The Reddit community ‘Art Progress Pics’ allows artists to show their work and prove how hard work pays back. The members share the photos of their works and compare how they looked when they were starting, and how they got better after they invested some time and persistently practiced to master their skills.
How to Look Good in Pictures: 19 Tips to Be More Photogenic
If you want to know how to look good in pictures, these tips will teach you how to pose for full-length portraits and how to take the perfect selfie!
30 Harry Potter Facts That’ll Make You Want To Reread The Series (Again)
J.K. Rowling knows how to write a book. Via HPotterFacts.
Leo Star Sign – 100×130 cm | 39.3 x 51.1 / Oak / With White Border
Looking for artwork that is perfect for decorating into your home decor? Our range of wall art is perfectly suited to decorate into your living room, bedroom, office, or entryway. All art is printed right here in Australia with the highest-quality materials and professional printers. You can trust our craftsmanship and attention to detail when it comes to decorating with framed art from Olive et Oriel. Available as small fine art prints or extra large posters or better yet; We recommend saving yourself the time and hassle of framing and have your wall art professionally framed by Olive et Oriel.…