Ergh, money. Money is problematic enough when you’re single and alone and trying to make rent and eat dinner and have the most fabulous dress at the party or the newest gadget to play with on the subway, but throw another person into the equation…
People’s Responses to the “Draw a Duck” Prompt
People's Responses to the "Draw a Duck" Prompt - The internet has generated a huge amount of laughs from cats and FAILS. And we all out of cats.
The path to the nest of spiders | B17 Illustrations | Buy illustration
The path to the nest of spiders - Book cover illustration for Italo Calvino: The path to the nest of spiders – Mondadori 2014 (Ita) by Gianni De Conno
The herbal bed: Katie Scott’s psychedelic flora and fauna – in pictures
Nike trainers sprout plants and French perfumiers inspire by mysterious scientific icons in Katie Scott’s visions that take botanical illustration into the digital age
Forme et bien être, conseils pratiques et astuces santé
Prendre soin de soi est indispensable pour se sentir bien dans son âme, dans sa peau et dans son corps. Outre les contraintes de la vie sur lesquelles on ne peut agir, notre bien-être dépend en grande partie de notre façon de nous comporter, de réfléchir et de vivre et peuvent créer une barrière à notre quiétude et à notre bonheur.
12 Free Printable Heart Templates Cut Outs
What can you do with these free printable heart templates? Better yet, what can't you do? From coloring to crafts to notes to much more!
Gravity Defying Photography (25 photos)
It seems strange to me that we've never covered Li Wei's photography here on theMET. His incredibly creative photos represent everything we love to write