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A Couple Looking for Magic Found Just That in a 1921 Home With Boatlike Qualities

A Couple Looking for Magic Found Just That in a 1921 Home With Boatlike Qualities

A bathroom done up in “makeup colors” and buttery soft floors brought even more magic to this California home.

18 kleine Bäder mit vielen Ideen, die dich begeistern werden | homify

18 kleine Bäder mit vielen Ideen, die dich begeistern werden | homify

Nicht jeder kann ein großes Bad sein eigen nennen, aber auch die kleinen können charmant sein und in puncto Funktionalität und Stil locker mit den großen Verwandten mithalten.

Pero te das cuenta que ya no es algo exclusivamente indie cuando hasta Kanye West sacó Yeezus en cassette.

Pero te das cuenta que ya no es algo exclusivamente indie cuando hasta Kanye West sacó Yeezus en cassette.

Aunque el más reciente álbum solo esté en Tidal porque... es Kanye y ya.

The 60 Best Book Covers of 2016, As Chosen By Designers

The 60 Best Book Covers of 2016, As Chosen By Designers

Today in “2016 was garbage but at least we had good ____,” we bring you: book covers. Because it’s true: this year, we had a healthy quantity of beautiful, inventive, arresting, u…

Step-by-Step Watercolor Painting Tutorials from Sisca Wungu – Beautiful Dawn Designs

Step-by-Step Watercolor Painting Tutorials from Sisca Wungu – Beautiful Dawn Designs

Bringing out your inner artist with watercolor doesn't have to be intimidating. With these easy watercolor tutorials, you can dive into the vibrant world of watercolor and paint your way to happiness.