Studies have found that people really do have “types” when it comes to dating. In fact, a 2019 University of Toronto study found that you’re likely to keep dating people just like your ex, despite how bad of a relationship it was. The human mind and…
Super Easy How to Draw Tutorials – Beautiful Dawn Designs
These super easy how to draw tutorials are here to show you that anyone can be an artist. You'll love these simple drawing guides.
10 Cool Ways to Use Chalk Pastels
You can build a love of art and some simple joys with this frugal art medium. So here are 10 Cool Ways to Use Chalk Pastels.
Moomin Mobile
Mumi Uroen blev skabt i 2014, året hvor den finske forfatter og illustrator bag Mumi verdene Tove Jansson fyldte 100 år. Uroen her er en fortælling om alle de elskværdige mumitrolde, der er på vej på en picnic. Med i kassen til uroen ligger også et lille hæfte, der fortæller historien om hver figur samt om selve Mumitroldenes univers. Hæng uroen over tremmesengen eller puslepladsen. Den bevæger sig roligt når luft går igennem værelset, og er skøn at ligge og kigge på. Alle Flensted uroer produceres i hånden i Danmark. Materiale:Fremstillet af pap. Mål:Højde 55 cm x bredde 50 cm.
Cobra Breath- Babaji’s Gift to Humanity.
What is the Cobra Breath? Three Kundalini Cobras The Cosmic Cobra Breath is a very powerful single psycho-spiritual technique. The official name is the Tantric Kriya Kundalini Pranayam. It i…
France’s 11 Most Beautiful Villages Accessible Only by Car
From Saint-Émilion to Rocamadour, these quintessential small towns are pristine thanks to their isolation—and a delight for any traveler with a set of wheels
21 WTF Pics During and After Natural Disasters
Photos to remind you that we don't run this world. These pics are pretty wild showing what really happens after a natural disasters. Lots of things...