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Le Space Age, inspiration rétro-futuriste au goût d’aujourd’hui

Le Space Age, inspiration rétro-futuriste au goût d’aujourd’hui

Ce courant design a créé un univers pop, coloré et ludique. De l'iconique Panton Chair de Vitra aux maisons-bulles de Jean-Benjamin Maneval, le Space Age a marqué les années 1960, sans jamais cesser, depuis, de fasciner les créateurs.

Plan 871008NST: Backyard Cottage or Home Office Escape – 298 Square Feet

Plan 871008NST: Backyard Cottage or Home Office Escape – 298 Square Feet

This cottage house plan was designed as part of the "visitable" movement (a zero-step entry and a wheelchair-accessible main floor bathroom). A flexible design, it can be used as an ADU, an in-law suite, a tiny home or as a backyard home office escape.  The main space use vaulted and has windows on three sides. The bathroom has a shower you can walk or roll into with ease.

55 Bold and Bright Kitchen Color Ideas

55 Bold and Bright Kitchen Color Ideas

A classic white palette in your farmhouse kitchen creates a timeless and airy ambiance. It's a design choice that instantly brightens up the space, making it

La storia delle case-torri tra le montagne del Caucaso

La storia delle case-torri tra le montagne del Caucaso

Usate a scopo abitativo e di difesa, queste torri hanno origini antichissime. Dovevano essere costruite in 365 giorni e ogni famiglia benestante del villaggio era tenuta a possederne una

Evolution of Gothic Architecture: Characteristics, History and More…

Evolution of Gothic Architecture: Characteristics, History and More…

Explore the origins & allure of Gothic Architecture from the mid 12th to 16th centuries. Delve deep into its unique history & ornate aesthetics.

How to develop architectural concepts

How to develop architectural concepts

In this article we will take a close look at the architectural concept and how it fits in with the design process.

Gallery of Game Streetmekka Aalborg / JAJA Architects – 15

Gallery of Game Streetmekka Aalborg / JAJA Architects  – 15

Image 15 of 48 from gallery of Game Streetmekka Aalborg / JAJA Architects. Photograph by Rasmus Hjortshoj