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17 Pictures That Will Make You Say “Um, What?”
What the hell is going on here?
My 40 Comics About Daily Life That People Can Vibe With
Life doesn’t come with an instruction manual, so like everyone else, I am just out here making it up as I go. I create relatable comics about my life as a 30-something bear. Whether it’s me being tired of being an adult, or spilling food on my pants, we have all been there.
“Du bekommst ein Geschwisterchen!” – DIESE Reaktionen sind zum Schreien
"Du bekommst ein Geschwisterchen", bei diesem Satz geht Kindern so einiges durch den Kopf. DIESE Reaktionen sind zum Schreien komisch.
A new Marrakech museum is bringing Africa’s flourishing art scene home
The new Museum of African Contemporary Art Al Maaden (MACAAL) in Marrakech is bringing Africa’s flourishing art scene home