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3 Ways to Draw Storyboards – wikiHow

3 Ways to Draw Storyboards – wikiHow

Creating storyboards is a great way to map out your film and create a clear vision for each scene, and it's really easy to get started! We've put together a guide to walk you through everything you need to know about drawing your own...

These Photos Will Make You Fall Completely In Love With Elephants

These Photos Will Make You Fall Completely In Love With Elephants

You'll never believe what they're afraid of.

Sunrises on Hilton Head Island

Sunrises on Hilton Head Island

With so many pristine stretches of sand, warm waters and days filled with sunshine, no wonder Hilton Head Island has been recognized for their beaches.

The Art of the Post: Mead Schaeffer — The Painter of Moods | The Saturday Evening Post

The Art of the Post: Mead Schaeffer — The Painter of Moods | The Saturday Evening Post

Norman Rockwell and Mead Schaeffer were friends and neighbors, but each artist painted in very different styles.

Русские сказки Юлии Журавлевой

Русские сказки Юлии Журавлевой

Юлия Журавлева - московский иллюстратор и художник комиксов. Часто обращается к теме русского фольклора. Свет и чистота, и лирическое восприятие жизни. Иногда с капелькой грусти. САЙТ