Houses Built in This Decade Are Getting the Most Attention From Renovators
According to a new report that looked at Pinterest search data in 2021 so far, inquiries into this decade of house renovations have increased by 82 percent.
90 Bright, Fun Spring & Summer Nails
Check out this spring nails & summer nails guide for the best manicure ideas with fun, bright, floral nail inspiration and nail are for the warmer months!
Lily Plant Types
Names of Different Lilies. Lilies are a perennial favorite in the garden because of their hardiness, long bloom time, beautiful flowers and fragrant scent. Lilies are members of the genus Lilium. According to the North American Lily Society, lilies are categorized in nine horticultural divisions: Asiatic hybrids; martagon hybrids; candidum hybrids;...
11 Pieces Of Wisdom To Read Whenever You’re Feeling Down
"Your heart has reasons your head does not know."
The 89 Best Book Covers of 2020
It may actually be mandatory at this point to begin any kind of 2020 roundup with an acknowledgement of how shit the year was, and how impossible it was to focus on the good parts, and how anything…