My Neighbor’s Bernese Puppy With Her Own Mini-Me

My Neighbor’s Bernese Puppy With Her Own Mini-Me

My Neighbor’s Bernese Puppy With Her Own Mini-Me

No matter what kind of day you’re having, puppies are always guaranteed to coax out an involuntary ‘awwww.’ Since not all of us have cool offices that let us

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Indonesian Illustrator Sketches Real People As Cartoons And You Will Be Amazed At The Accuracy

Indonesian Illustrator Sketches Real People As Cartoons And You Will Be Amazed At The Accuracy

We are all the stars of our own story and one illustrator is showing people what they would look like if their story was on the pages of a comic book. Indonesian artist Rudi, has pulled in 37.5k followers on his Instagram page @rudi10297 and 10k on his @rudi1097 page with his impressive black and white drawings of people re-imagined as anime-style cartoon characters.

My Dachshund Hogs the Bed, Does Yours? –

My Dachshund Hogs the Bed, Does Yours? –

My Dachshunds sleep in the bed with me and, after my dog waking me up at 4 am again, I got up and decided to take my frustration out by drawing a diagram of it. I have no drawing skills, and no experience drawing in Word Paint, and I literally put zero real effort in.

50 Wholesome Opossum Memes To Share With Your Pet

50 Wholesome Opossum Memes To Share With Your Pet

Opossums (and possums) lives matter.

7 Things Cheaters Say When They’ve Been Caught

7 Things Cheaters Say When They’ve Been Caught

Cheating is extremely complicated. Not everyone cheats on their partner for the same reason and sometimes there really is seemingly no reason involved at all — it's just simply an opportunity and someone goes for it. A 2017 survey of infidelity by…

adult coloring pages

adult coloring pages

Do you remember the amazing body art illusions by Craig Tracy? It seems that Craig has a competitor - 25-year-old German artist Gesine Marwedel. From flamingo to iguana, she can turn people into any animal using special paint that is not harmful to the body of her models.

The Jaw-Dropping Gravity-Defying Photography of Li Wei

The Jaw-Dropping Gravity-Defying Photography of Li Wei

Li Wei is a Beijing-based artist that creates jaw-dropping scenes using mirrors, metal wires, scaffolding, and acrobatics. Check out his website here.

Pierre Gonnord – french portraitist photographer 3

Pierre Gonnord – french portraitist photographer 3

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