Exhibition: ‘Shape of Light: 100 Years of Photography and Abstract Art’ at Tate Modern, London

Exhibition: ‘Shape of Light: 100 Years of Photography and Abstract Art’ at Tate Modern, London

Exhibition: ‘Shape of Light: 100 Years of Photography and Abstract Art’ at Tate Modern, London

Exhibition dates: 2nd May – 14th October 2018 Curators: Simon Baker, Senior Curator, International Art (Photography) and Shoair Mavlian, Assistant Curator, Tate Modern, with Emmanuelle de l…

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Bad character traits gone good for a redemption arc twist villain advice how to write a novel author

Bad character traits gone good for a redemption arc twist villain advice how to write a novel author

This can work for redemption arcs, or just for writing morally grey characters.

14 Reasons Why Single Women Are Happier Than Anyone Else

14 Reasons Why Single Women Are Happier Than Anyone Else

You know what? If being single were an illegal drug, I'd probably do it anyway. I just need the high, man. The high that comes with having no weekend plans, with picking massive wedgies at my leisure, and never feeling any social obligation to shave…

Inspiración en Otoño: 18 Consejos que te Dan 18 Fotos Espectaculares

Inspiración en Otoño: 18 Consejos que te Dan 18 Fotos Espectaculares

El otoño es una estación llena de color, perfecta para ser fotografiada con nuestras cámaras. Con el permiso de todos nuestros amigos que viven en zonas ecuatoriales o del hemisferio sur, hoy quería acercarte un puñado de ideas y, con suerte, un poqu

Fatos e fotos da moda de 1930 a 1940 – Blog da Mari Calegari

Fatos e fotos da moda de 1930 a 1940 – Blog da Mari Calegari

Oi Gente O objetivo do post de hoje é trazer para você os fatos e fotos da moda no período de 1930 a 1940. Quais os fatos desse período e como era a moda nessa década… FATOS O período desses 10 anos entre 1930 e 1940, foram momentos de grande agitação no mundo e também […]

10 (Sometimes Surprising) Good Luck Charms From Around The World

10 (Sometimes Surprising) Good Luck Charms From Around The World

Depending on where you're from, you might consider pigs, chimney sweeps, or knocking on wood good luck.