By Aletta de Wal in Art Business Advice > A-Z Art Marketing Guide Welcome back to “The ABC’s of Art Marketing”—an alphabet guide to marketing your art, from A to Z. In today’s article, I’ll be focusing on the letter “Q” for Quality and Quantity. As you may remember, in my last post I urged you to trade perfection and procrastination for productivity and progress. Now I want to describe where quality and quantity come in. Quality is the proper response to […]
The war photographer who turned tragedy into fantasy, defining fashion’s glamour of the ’80s and ’90s…
Jean-Daniel Lorieux, the war photographer who turned tragedy into fantasy, defining fashion's glamour of the '80s and '90s...
Texture Bear
I have seen this project all over Pinterest and Instagram but I never found a handout for how to execute the project. So naturally a made a handout myself! Feel free to download/save the image and …
How to Become an Illustrator without a Degree
If you've been following me for some time, you'll know that my blog is about blogging and online business. But I've made Stray Curls unique by including my own hand-drawn illustrations in just about every single post. I've been asked this question via email and comments several times, so I thought I'd write a very detailed
12 breeds that make great house cows
A year-round milk supply is one of the ultimate signs of self-sufficiency. These are the cows to consider. Words: Nadene Hall Milk from a house cow, goats or sheep gives you a valuable resource you can use to drink, for cheese, and to make soap. 6 TIPS FROM HOUSE COW OWNERS 1. You will need good quality, food-grade, preferably stainless steel buckets and fridge to store milk in large quantities (only keep raw milk 2-3 days then use it or freeze it). Occasionally, you can find 100-litre milk vats on Trade Me from Winsam Farms in Northland. 2. For a
The Animals Observatory : la réminiscence du style
Place à l’élégance désinvolte, aux couleurs punchy et au charme bohème. L’inimitable style The Animals Observatory adoucit et égaye, cette saison