10 Friendship Bracelet Tutorials • FYI by Tina

10 Friendship Bracelet Tutorials • FYI by Tina

10 Friendship Bracelet Tutorials • FYI by Tina

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Cinnamon Chai spice candle, homemade coconut wax candle, herbal intentional candle

Cinnamon Chai spice candle, homemade coconut wax candle, herbal intentional candle

This beautiful candle is hand poured using the highest quality ingredients of coconut wax, essential oils, and topped with real dried oranges and cinnamon. The scent takes you back to a warm cozy cinnamon chia spiced scent with hints of ginger, clove, orange, cinnamon and nutmeg this is the perfect candle.

40 Funny Memes That Beauty Enthusiasts Will Appreciate

40 Funny Memes That Beauty Enthusiasts Will Appreciate

The world of beauty is fun, and sometimes it is downright funny – that is, if we have enough sense of humor to laugh at ourselves and our own shortcomings. After all, getting our hair and makeup done requires patience, skills, and money, and if we’re being honest, we rarely have all of those at the same time.This puts us in hilarious situations, and the memes below point them out perfectly. If you are also a beauty lover, you’ll probably relate to a lot of them:



It's Friday. How did that happen? The 4 day hiatus I took was not planned but I think the result of the summer wall I've hit and bad planning/packing while we took a quick trip to Leavenworth earlier this week. Regardless I missed posting and am haaaaaapy to be back to share this fun kid friendly craft! I really love seeing all the

DIY Witch Hat Sewing Tutorial

DIY Witch Hat Sewing Tutorial

Spooky Season is officially here! It’s our favorite time of year to decorate, dress up and indulge in a little trick-or-treat candy (or a lot!). Whether you’re channeling your inner […]

How to Choose a Sewing Machine Needle – Melly Sews

How to Choose a Sewing Machine Needle – Melly Sews

How to choose a sewing machine needle - universal vs knit vs sharp needles - which needle should you use for which fabric

How to Attach Silicone to Fabric

How to Attach Silicone to Fabric

Looking for new techniques to elevate your project? This tutorial will show you how to get creative attaching silicone onto fabric.

Je fabrique une baladeuse toute seule, si si même les branchements électriques

Je fabrique une baladeuse toute seule, si si même les branchements électriques

Quand j'ai publié cette baladeuse, j'ai reçu plusieurs mails désespérés qui m'interrogeaient sur la manière de procéder "oh là là, ça doit être super compliqué, j'y connais rien en électricité moi...". Me revoilà donc avec un pas à pas en photos qui devrait rassurer les peureuses désireuses de se lancer et qui auraient envie d'impressionner leurs hommes "bah quoi, bien sûr que je sais dénuder un fil et faire les raccordements à la fiche, tu me prends pour qui ?"hi hi hi. A faire au choix en câble textile tout fait (dispo ici en plein de couleurs, miam !), ou…

DIY Plant Stand Idea Indoor

DIY Plant Stand Idea Indoor

Reuse vintage thrift store lampshades into beautiful planters. Decorate on a budget with these upcycled planters idea for your living room or entryway. #planters #upcycle #diy