New York – Midtown Manhattan {EamK on Tour} – Experimente aus meiner Küche
{Werbung/ohne Auftrag} Heute nehme ich euch mit nach Midtown. In diesem Stadtteil von Manhattan findet ihr nicht nur das Empire State Building, das Rockefeller Center und das Flatiron Building, sondern auch den Highline Park und den berühmten Times Square. Rockefeller Center Die Aussichtsplattform „Top of the Rock“ im Rockefeller Center ist eine der beliebtesten Sehenswürdigkeiten […]
8 Textile Designers Making Quilts Cool Again
These aren't your granny's quilts
Shock of the new: “Beyond the Assignment” and architectural photography’s future
Smack in the middle of Hollywood, among costume shops, bars and a Scientology center, WUHO Gallery celebrated the opening of
40 Times Designers Went All In And Designed The Most Fabulous Examples Of ‘Modern Architecture’
Modernist architecture has the best public relations managers since the name itself evokes notions like “contemporary” or “current,” while brutalism sounds like a metal band struggling to create an adjective. While quite recent, modernism isn’t defined by being “new,” rather, it’s a design philosophy that celebrates experimentation and rejects rules.
Gallery of Secret Garden House / Wallflower Architecture + Design – 30
Image 30 of 41 from gallery of Secret Garden House / Wallflower Architecture + Design. Photograph by Marc Tey
The 21 ways to create Japandi style in your home | HaticeXInterior
The infusion or a blend of Japanese and Scandinavian styles named as ‘Japandi’ and I will explain achieving 21 ways to Japandi Style.
The Most Beautiful Places that Never Existed :: TIG | Digital Publication
The Most Beautiful Places that Never Existed⏤architectural designers and AI artists created places using Midjourney, AI, Photoshop and Topaz
20 escaleras con alfombras actuales y llenas de estilo – Vintage & Chic. Pequeñas historias de decoración
A punto de mudarnos a una casa sin escaleras después de vivir durante 12 años en una con 3 tramos, no parece el mejor momento para buscar ideas para cubrir los peldaños con alfombras bonitas, pero yo soy así, y además, seamos sinceros, nunca se me pasó por la cabeza el cubrir la madera de