Новый год, Рождество и зимние забавы от Паскаля Кемпиона
В сети много работ иллюстраторов. Но одним из самых популярных и просто любимым людьми художников смело можно назвать Паскаля Кемпиона. Это потому, что у него очень добрые работы о любви и дружбе, о семье, детях, обо всем том, что составляет счастье. Вот новые иллюстрации. С наступающим Новым…
19 Simple But Genius Inventions That Prove Humanity Has Peaked
Elevator technology has really come a long way. Via /r/mildlyinteresting.
The 35 Sexiest Movies of All Time
Looking for a steamy night of streaming? Consider one of these sexiest movies of all time, including Cruel Intentions, Closer, and 365 Days.
Medieval ornament from the 9th to the 16th century : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Cover title: Medieval ornament from the 11th to the 14th century
Get Rid of a Ganglion- Painlessly
Get Rid of a Ganglion- Painlessly: If you have a ganglion cyst* on your hand or foot, the treatments can be painful, if not dire: you can go to your doctor who will insert a big needle and drain the cyst (ouch!), you can have surgery- expensive and painful – double ouch or the…
The 8 Best Free Apps to Turn Photos Into Art and Paintings
These awesome apps can transform any ordinary photo into a work of art. And they even work on your selfies, too!