10 great Films about Art
If you are going to spend time watching a movie about drawing, painting or your other art-related hobby, you're going to want to make sure it's a good one.
Gifts for People with Depression – 38+ Gift Ideas for Depression
Are you looking for gifts for people with depression? Here are 38 gift ideas that are sure to please the people on your list.
Gross Halloween sensory game
This Gross Halloween sensory game is going to be a HUGE hit with your kids! Perfect for a Classroom party!
Easy Ghost Craft for Kids
This easy ghost craft for kids is perfect for toddlers, preschoolers and school age kids. Have fun creating this easy Halloween craft together!
I have included two versions of the same texts and exercises so you can use them to practice the Present Perfect or the Preterite. Option 1: ¿Qué has hecho este verano? A Spanish reading to practice the Present Perfect with comprehension questions. Five teenagers talk about what they have done during their summer holidays. Tense: Pretérito perfecto compuesto (Present Perfect) + recent events Vocabulary: Actions: he ido a, he visitado museos, he hecho fotografías, he viajado, he conocido a personas, he tomado el sol, he preparado un examen, he recorrido, he ayudado, he sido, hemos nadado, hemos jugado... Family: dama…
Películas Christian Bale: American Psycho
Christian Bale interpreta a un yuppie neoyorkino que descubre su pasión por la sangre y pasa a ser un asesino en serie del que nadie sospechará en la película American Psycho
Potthucke: A Savory German Potato Cake Recipe | Foodal
Made with mashed and shredded potatoes, bacon, onions, cream, and eggs, German Potthucke is a savory baked loaf you can serve as a starchy side.