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Revolutionary Lip-Paint Found In Iran Could Represent The World’s First Makeup
Unearthed from ancient sands, a tantalizing mystery of lipstick's origins emerges in the heart of Iran's forgotten civilization.
Homemade Mascara that Doesn’t Smudge
Homemade mascara that doesn't smear, smudge, or contain any harmful ingredients. Add all ingredients to a small saucepan over medium heat.
Retirement Travel Ideas: 15 Best Trips to Take After Retirement
Searching for great retirement trips? Whether you want rest or excitement, solitude or crowds, low cost or luxury, here are some ideas for retirement travel.
The One Day Cleanse Your Gut Will Thank You For
When you plan a detox, two things are always discouraging - the amount of time it takes for the plan to work, and the hunger pangs that follow the detox/diet program. But, looking at the bright side, they
Power of the Wealth DNA Code
>>>Manifest unlimited health, wealth💰success