“It Didn’t Fit In With Artistic Rules”: Terrifying Figure Unearthed From 18th-Century Artwork
A demon face that was hidden for centuries has recently been unveiled in a Joshua Reynolds masterpiece.
8 Ways To Create The Life You Want
It happens to everyone. At one point or another, you're tired of the way you've been living your life and you want to make some positive changes. But while a complete overhaul might seem like the most logical answer, there are more subtle changes…
I Started Painting Eyes With Every Migraine, And Here’s The Result (9 Pics)
Tired of swallowing pills to calm the migraine, I started painting one eye for each pain. It helped me to calm down and control my pain. It seems that today I have a whole collection of eyes and who knows how many more will join.
Henry Clarke
Раньше солнце было желтее, трава зеленее, а гламурное и модное фото — художественнее. Или это так кажется? 8) Henry Clarke Из разных источников собирал, официального сайта нет.