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Si quieres lograr tu iluminación no niegues tu oscuridad

Si quieres lograr tu iluminación no niegues tu oscuridad

@solitalo ​ Cuando se habla de espiritualidad casi todo se trata de tener energía positiva y pensamientos felices. Como si los seres humanos no fueramos sujetos complejos y llenos de mat…

There’s A Little Known Unique Garden In Portland… And It’s Truly Magical

There’s A Little Known Unique Garden In Portland… And It’s Truly Magical

There aren’t many that are aware that deep in southwest Portland is a beautiful and mysterious garden, like a real life “Secret Garden.”

10 rzeczy, które warto wiedzieć o Marii Magdalenie

10 rzeczy, które warto wiedzieć o Marii Magdalenie

O Marii Magdalenie powstało wiele legend. Że była żoną Jezusa. Że była prostytutką. Ale to tylko mity. Poznajcie 10 faktów o Marii Magdalenie, o których trzeba wiedzieć.

Fly – Plank and Pillow

Fly – Plank and Pillow

About the Art This vintage painting beautifully depicts a sky filled with soft, white clouds and light blue hues, where several birds are captured in flight. Touches of gold add a subtle, timeless charm to the peaceful and elegant scene.

Human Anatomy Drawing Ideas and Pose References – Beautiful Dawn Designs

Human Anatomy Drawing Ideas and Pose References – Beautiful Dawn Designs

If you're looking for human anatomy drawing ideas and pose references, I'm sharing some pretty cool anatomy references for you to check out.

Other Names for Sugar

Other Names for Sugar

Refined sugar has many names, here's a long list to look for when reading labels.

44 Pics And Memes To Improve Your Mood

44 Pics And Memes To Improve Your Mood

Another fresh, healthy dump for your day.