Get a quick start on your PBL lesson planning with these projects in astronomy, chemistry, engineering, architecture, physics, technology, earth, life, and physical sciences.
Save Fred
Help Save Fred is a great stem activity! This save Fred the worm is super fun stem activity will help your students strengthen team building skills and...
Aula de dibujo – Perspectiva
La perspectiva lineal es una verdadera abstracción de nuestro espacio visual que tiene como fin conseguir resultados claros e inequívocos. El mundo de la perspectiva es como un esqueleto transparente y cristalino, un diagrama rico en detalles con numerosas aplicaciones prácticas pero que resulta seco e insípido para muchos artistas. Dado que éste es un libro dirigido a los artistas, las explicaciones puramente técnicas se han reducido a sus aspectos más intuitivos sin por ello restarles el necesario rigor. La abundancia de ejemplos prácticos y secuencias paso a paso que se ofrecen logran dilucidar los problemas más comunes y mostrar…
Larynx Anatomical Chart
- One full-color, two sided laminated card illustrates anatomy of the larynx and head - Step-by-step, vocal-fold-vibration illustrations - Plus endoscopic screen shots of eight vocal pathologies are included - Call-out illustrations and terms provide greater detail of specific parts - Can use Dry Erase - Use for class or clinic - Bright easy to read two sided views
How to Accurately Grade a Homeschool Student – Southeast…
As homeschool teachers and moms it can be difficult to grade a homeschool student objectively when we KNOW our children, their abilities, and whether or not they have worked hard in a subject.So, how can we accurately grade a homeschool student?
The Rhetor’s ToolboxResources for connection, collaboration, critical thinking, and cultivating learning in the ELA classroomHow to Teach Analysis Like a Boss
In my last post, I made a case against the five paragraph essay as an appropriate analytical structure for high school students. The closed thesis, redundancy, and built-in limitations to critical …