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A guide to decorating with mid-century furniture

A guide to decorating with mid-century furniture

Take design notes from the 40s, 50s and 60s to create a playful and stylish home

Caption This Image And Selected Wisepicks – 11 October 2020 – The Minds Journal

Caption This Image And Selected Wisepicks – 11 October 2020 – The Minds Journal

Caption This 11 October 2020: Provide a creative, relevant caption for the picture below. We will select 15+ of the best captions and publish as Wisepicks



Sew yourself a Maxi Dress. The so chic Maxi Dress sewing pattern is flattering, full-length, with a semi-fitted bodice… A maxi dress is an understated chic dress for a casual cocktail or dinner party. It has the cool vibe of a formal gown but none of the pretentiousness. For this maxi dress

Учимся легко сочетать цвета! | Шить просто — Выкройки-Легко.рф

Учимся легко сочетать цвета! | Шить просто — Выкройки-Легко.рф

Вы когда-нибудь видели, чтобы природа некрасиво сочетала цвета? (Ответ: нет) А это означает, что универсальная подсказка о сочетании цветов всегда у нас перед глазами! Нужно только развить насмотренность. Смотрите, принцип прост.

Artist Creates an Amazing Redesign of a Popular Movie Poster Each Day for a Year

Artist Creates an Amazing Redesign of a Popular Movie Poster Each Day for a Year

A Movie Poster A Day is a blog by Sydney, Australia artist Pete Majarich where he creates an amazing redesign of a popular movie poster each day for a

Cool travel posters for places that don’t really exist – Wanderlust

Cool travel posters for places that don’t really exist – Wanderlust

Created in the style of classic posters from the 1920's, these posters will entice you to the mythical worlds of Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings and Game of Thrones

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«Другая сторона»

Иллюстрации Дин Стюарт. Он американский художник, стремительно набирающий популярность в сети, что не удивительно яркие нотки шутки, сарказма, сюрреализма, окрашивают его работы, придавая им более глубокий смысл. Это современная жизнь через понимание и чувства художника. Журналисткая этика…

What Everyone Should Know About Black – Interior and Exterior Design

What Everyone Should Know About Black – Interior and Exterior Design

Now that everyone is decorating with black, here's what you need to know about the undertones of black and how to use black wisely in your decor.