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Take 5: Moon Chalk, Modern Stationery, Oat Milk + More

Take 5: Moon Chalk, Modern Stationery, Oat Milk + More

Design Milk Editor Vy Yang is back with her Take 5 picks, which include, moon chalks, ceramics, quirky prints and watercolors.

Avoiding Tangents: 9 Visual Blunders Every Artist Should Watch Out For

Avoiding Tangents: 9 Visual Blunders Every Artist Should Watch Out For

Have you ever been caught off-guard by a visual tangent in your art? When creating a composition there are so many different things to juggle that it's easy to miss even the obvious flaws - and that’s when tangents sneak in.

Behind the Scenes of An Ode to the Marsh

Behind the Scenes of An Ode to the Marsh

The marsh was the very first subject matter I ever painted and it has continued to be a muse that I find myself revisiting again and again. For me, any day...