7 Darstellungstechniken für Nicht-Models | Envato Tuts+

7 Darstellungstechniken für Nicht-Models | Envato Tuts+

7 Darstellungstechniken für Nicht-Models | Envato Tuts+

Nicht jeder arbeitet zusammen mit Models. Viele Fotografen sind berufstätig mit alltäglichen Menschen und wir müssen sie wie Models aussehen lassen. Also, wie schaffst du das, wenn die Zielperson…

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Fundo de escola de inglês desenhado à mão | Vetor Grátis

Fundo de escola de inglês desenhado à mão | Vetor Grátis

Baixe estes Vetor grátis sobre Fundo de escola de inglês desenhado à mão, e descubra mais de 15 Milhões de recursos gráficos profissionais no Freepik

6 Simple (but Powerful) Exercises to Prevent Runner’s Knee

6 Simple (but Powerful) Exercises to Prevent Runner’s Knee

Runner's knee sucks. There's no other way to say it. You know how debilitating runner's knee pain can be if you've experienced it before. Every step hurts. It stops runners in their tracks. Runner's knee is so prevalent that 1 in 4 physically active people suffers from it* - yikes! But there are some preventative measures to prevent runner's knee from happening (or from coming back again), and they're really pretty easy to integrate into your weekly workout schedule. This post may contain affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links and buy it,

Why You’re The Reason You’re Stressing

Why You’re The Reason You’re Stressing

I was walking around in Chinatown over the weekend and I saw something that I found to be so ridiculous that it literally made me laugh. It’s something that you see so often in NYC that chances are you pay no mind to it. I was about to cross the…

Asking questions in English – Question forms – Test-English

Asking questions in English – Question forms – Test-English

Learn how to ask questions with our A2 pre-intermediate grammar lesson that includes a clear chart, fun exercises, and lots of examples!

Female Body 2 – Etsy

Female Body 2 – Etsy

Female Body (ca 26.5 x 15.5 x 5 inch) Artwork based on associations. Started with an existing mould (they use in clothingshops to sell shirts.) I pour high quality epoxy resin in about 10 - 15 sessions I have to wait about 3 days for the drying of each layer. Then I can e.g change the angle of the mould and pour another layer. During the proces I collect, buy and find things that belong to the subject. I am interested in how things feel and connect. Sometimes it is only the sense of a color or the associaion that…

Orthographic Mapping Cheat Sheet – This Reading Mama

Orthographic Mapping Cheat Sheet – This Reading Mama

Are you in need of an Orthographic Mapping Cheat Sheet? I know for me, it has been nice to have it all in one place! You might also like our Orthographic Mapping Puzzles Bundle. This pack is for subscribers only! Not a subscriber? Subscribe HERE. If you are already a newsletter subscriber, snag this freebie from the subscriber library. Enter ... Read More about Orthographic Mapping Cheat Sheet