Woman Gets Publicly Called Out For Taking Credit For A Gift She Avoided Contributing To, Gets Upset
It’s not unusual for friend groups to pitch in for gifts to its members. It’s also not unheard of for them to have a person who’s always late or hesitant with covering their part.
Winnie the Pooh themed Tealight Candles.
Adorable Winnie the Pooh Themed Tea-light-sized candles in mini terracotta pot. Material: Soy Candle with Honey/Oat Candle Scent Individually packed into a clear box. Size - approx 2in Perfect as a party favors for your next event!! Select the number of candles you would like to order. NOW ALSO AVAILABLE IN A BIGGER SIZE (4in Pots)
Herringbone Knit Scarf – Originally Lovely
Originally Lovely is a site to find free knitting and crochet patterns and tutorials. Learn how to make your own Herringbone Knit Scarf!
DIY Funky Candles
Vor etwa einem Jahr schrieb ich erstmals über bunte Kerzen. Damals, als der Interior-Trend in jeglichen Formen und Farben begann und sich langsam in sämtlichen Wohnungen ausbreitete. Mittlerweile vielmehr als Dekoobjekte angesehen, erfinden Labels, Künstler*innen und Kreative immer wieder neue Silhouetten und Ausführungen, allen voran: gedrehte Kerzen, Bubble Candles oder Frauenbüsten. Die neuesten Zugänge, zuweiterlesen…
“Pass The Salad”: Silence Settles As Family Realize Woman’s BF Understood Their Insults Toward Him
A man started taking Portuguese lessons to get closer to his GF’s family, only to learn that they were constantly insulting him behind his back.
Conversation Online Ensues After This Olympic Athlete Shared How She Refused To Switch Plane Seats With An Entitled Couple
Woman who flies regularly can't understand how people still expect plane passengers to willingly switch seats and believes they should book seats in advance if they want to sit in a specific place.
36 Colorful Kitchen Backsplash Ideas
I've gathered 36 colorful kitchen backsplash ideas! If you're looking to add colorful tile backsplash to your kitchen, we've got your inspo!
How To Easily Remove Mold From Shower Caulk
Trying to clean moldy caulk? Check out these easy tips on how to remove mold from caulk. It works great to remove mold from shower caulk.