When I first started brainstorming ideas for this blanket, I was actually trying to make giant polka dots. I…
Boss Fails To Do His Part Of Vacation Deal With Employee, Ends Up Getting A Taste Of His Own Medicine
It just goes to show that you never mess with the guy who's the only one who can fix very particular, company-wide problems.
Birds of a Feather Blanket Pattern
Since it's original release in 2022, the Birds of a Feather Blanket pattern has been updated to include two versions of this crochet textured square blanket. This pattern is absolutely full of every single detail you could need to create your own version. Pattern Details PDF Pattern Updated on April 23, 2024 now includes: As some of you may have seen, Bonnie from Green Letter Day Yarn, and Lacy, from A Yarny Homestead, recently made a second version of my blanket using two colors for the squares. The update now includes (in addition to the original pattern, chart, etc): -…
30 Times Beggars Had The Audacity To Be Choosers And Got Shamed Online
They say that beggars can't be choosers. And they're wrong. There are plenty of people who try to exploit the generosity of others even though they are in no position to do so.
How to upcycle old clothing
Before tossing out those pants with the hole in the knee or the shirt with a stain, give them new life! Here's how to upcycle old clothing!
How to choose clothes and patterns to give the appearance of a flatter stomach
Looking for sewing patterns that will help you make clothes to hide a big tummy? This tutorial can show you how.
40 Funny Memes That Beauty Enthusiasts Will Appreciate
The world of beauty is fun, and sometimes it is downright funny – that is, if we have enough sense of humor to laugh at ourselves and our own shortcomings. After all, getting our hair and makeup done requires patience, skills, and money, and if we’re being honest, we rarely have all of those at the same time.This puts us in hilarious situations, and the memes below point them out perfectly. If you are also a beauty lover, you’ll probably relate to a lot of them: