Trig Identities for Pre-Calculus  – dummies

Trig Identities for Pre-Calculus – dummies

Trig Identities for Pre-Calculus  – dummies

Of course you use trigonometry, commonly called trig, in pre-calculus . And you use trig identities as constants throughout an equation to help you solve proble

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21 Hábitos que tienes que eliminar de tu vida antes de los 35

21 Hábitos que tienes que eliminar de tu vida antes de los 35

Nos acercamos a la mitad del 2017 y los propósitos que todos nos hicimos como: "voy a cambiar esto" o "voy a dejar de hacer esto"; no se han cumplido, pero quizás sea solo porque las metas son demasiado altas y nos hemos visto frustrados, pues lo que habíamos jurado hacer - o dejar de hacer- no lo

Walk in Their Shoes – Perspective Taking Scenarios for Kids – Social Skills Activity Pack

Walk in Their Shoes – Perspective Taking Scenarios for Kids – Social Skills Activity Pack

PERSPECTIVE TAKING SOCIAL SKILLS ACTIVITY PACK Contains: 18x 'Walk in Their Shoes' Scenarios 6x 'Perspective Detective' Mini Worksheets 6x 'Complete the Thought' Mini Worksheets Includes colour AND black and white versions of all activities Develop empathy, perspective taking, social thinking and general social skills with this series of activities. Appropriate for social emotional learning, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, and counselling subjects.

Word of the Day – umlaut |

Word of the Day – umlaut |

Find new words to share every day with's Word of the Day. Discover the definition, pronunciation, and origin of uncommon words plus more!

How to Create 3D Plant Cell and Animal Cell Models for Science Class

How to Create 3D Plant Cell and Animal Cell Models for Science Class

Use this step-by-step guide to build an awesome plant or animal cell model on a budget. Whether you're making this for science class, a science fair, or a homeschool project, your 3D cell model is sure to impress!

ANGELS LANDING 4 Painting by Ken Church | Saatchi Art

ANGELS LANDING 4 Painting by Ken Church | Saatchi Art

ABOUT THE ARTWORK In the Big Bend of Zion Canyon, and at the summit of this 5,790 foot dangerous hike is a spectacular 360-degree panorama of rugged spires and towering walls. Piñon pines grow impossibly from the smallest cracks in the jagged rocks and only an angel can walk this trail without fear. Angels Landing in Zion Park Utah, the most scary, craziest hike in America. There are safety chains in some areas, but the chains are placed without regard to any level of difficulty and are surprisingly absent in some of the most scary parts of the hike. Sometimes…

White Religion Subject Pack Sticker by The-Goods

White Religion Subject Pack Sticker by The-Goods

Decorate laptops, Hydro Flasks, cars and more with removable kiss-cut, vinyl decal stickers. Glossy, matte, and transparent options in various sizes. Super durable and water-resistant. White Religion Subject Pack. Perfect gift for a kid, tween, teen or any age! Check out my portfolio for all the individual subject versions as I roll them out! Theology text, pencil, bible, rosary, bible, dove, candle, star, morality, chalice, altar wine and candle.

Real World Math Practice for the Pythagorean Theorem

Real World Math Practice for the Pythagorean Theorem

Are you looking for some real world practice to teach the Pythagorean Theorem? This set of Pythagorean Theorem practice is a great way to help kids see its importance and relevance in life. Kids do well with math problems that they can relate to, or at least ones that would make sense in their worldviews. This post shares some understanding of what it means and how to apply it to solve problems.

Can You Homeschool an Entire Grade Over the Summer?

Can You Homeschool an Entire Grade Over the Summer?

Can you homeschool an entire grade over the summer? YES! Here are STEP-BY-STEP plans for summer homeschooling in order to help your child catch up or even get ahead in their education.