I Am An Artist Who Created 20 Paintings Featuring Fantasy Worlds
I've been painting since I was little. I loved bringing to life all the stories and fantastic characters that were living in my head. Later, art helped me to get through many dark days that came along. My colors and brushes became my therapist, my canvases, my friend, and everything I was feeling was illustrated with their help. Since becoming a mother I've circled back to my childhood fantasy painting. It connects me to my inner child and brings back that magical time of innocence.
72 Disegni di Hello Kitty da Colorare
Una raccolta di ben 72 disegni di Hello Kitty pronti da stampare e far colorare ai vostri bambini anche in versione PDF da scaricare gratis
2015 Topic #9: Words {Challenge}
Topic 9: Words Hi everyone, Leandra here Over the next 2 weeks we are exploring 'words' as a crafting topic. Bit odd you may think, but for me, and I'm sure you are the same, using script, fonts, book pages, quotes, text are just some of the wonderful ways 'words' features in almost every crafty project I make. How do you use words in your crafting projects? Do you print them out and add them to a page? Do your journal illegibly or legibly? Can you do calligraphy? Do you use quotes that might be ready made in the form…
Cockaignesque, A Lush Photo Series Inspired by Baroque Paintings
"Cockaignesque" by German photographer Helen Sobiralski is a lush photo series inspired by Baroque still-life paintings.
Favorite Color Personality Test: Is It True About You?
Looking for a color personality test? It takes just seconds to gain insight into yourself or others, if you know their favorite color! See if it rings true.
Velvet Bow Prints – 8×10 / PINK
I just adore velvet bows. All of them. They deserve a spot on your wall. Looks darling in a little (or big) girls room!