20 More Scrap Fabric Projects
Do you enjoy arts & crafts ? Specifically fabric crafts. I have created a list of 20 fabric crafts ideas that i have enjoyed over the years.
45 New Unexpectedly Hilarious And Dark ‘Last Place Comics’ That Might Make Your Day
Today, we would like to introduce you to the world of Last Place Comics, where absurdity reigns and things rarely go well.
“Maybe This Can Get You A Job”: Recruiter Explains Why It’s So Hard To Get Hired In 2024
The job market looks solid on paper, but some people who are actively looking for employment say it feels really difficult.
Unsettling Photos We Couldn’t Look Away From
These caught us unprepared
“No One Gets Bows This Year”: Woman Takes Petty Revenge On Entitled SILs
Christmas gift shopping is a daunting task, but the challenges don't end with the last receipt. You also need to wrap them.
Woman Praised For Standing Up To Obnoxious Office Prankster Making Her “Lose Her Sanity” With All The Pranking
The best way to deal with an office prankster is not to prank them back—it's to report them to HR. What were you thinking?
Butt / Torso Kerze / Po-Form / best friend/ Büste / weiblicher Körper / Hintern / Frauen / female body / Ostern / Frauentag /Bf /Selflove
Schöne Deko-Kerze in Po-Form / Butt Torso Kerze klein Bitte unbedingt beachten: Wir empfehlen euch sehr, die Kerze eher als Deko zu nutzen und sie NICHT anzuzünden. Da die Kerze in keinem festen Rahmen steht und sehr klein ist, brennt sie schneller ab. Die Kerze in groß findet ihr ebenfalls in unserem Shop :) Handmade Candles Die Kerzen wurden von uns selber, mit 100% biologisch abbaubarem Rapswachs, gegossen. Die Kerzen fertigen wir gerne nach Farbwunsch an & sind duftneutral. Da die Kerzen handmade sind, kann es natürlich immer mal vorkommen, dass der Docht nicht ganz gerade verläuft und die Kerzen…