35 Best Vines & Climbers for Containers

35 Best Vines & Climbers for Containers

35 Best Vines & Climbers for Containers

Add a vertical touch to your garden by growing climbing plants in pots. These 35 Best Vines for Containers are perfect for both small and big gardens!

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How to Use Epsom Salt in a Garden

How to Use Epsom Salt in a Garden

Epsom salt #ad is not table salt, it is actually hydrated Magnesium Sulfate (10% magnesium and 13% sulphur) that offers an environmentally safe non-toxic way to fertilize your garden.  Magnesium helps plants during germination by strengthening the plant cell walls.  It also assists in the creation of chlorophyll and helps plants absorb phosphorus and nitrogen.  Sulfate also helps in the creation of chlorophyll and helps in the absorption of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.  The additional chlorophyll will make your plants with yellowing leaves greener and fruit bearing plants will produced bigger and sweeter fruit. Epsom salt can also help reduce…

Our Top 10 Gardening Tips for Growing Confidently

Our Top 10 Gardening Tips for Growing Confidently

Even the most experienced gardeners are learning something new every growing season. So, we asked the die-hard gardeners and plant lovers here at Monrovia for their top 10 gardening tips to help you grow confidently.

Vegan Ketogenic Diet: 21-Day Vegan Keto Diet Plan

Vegan Ketogenic Diet: 21-Day Vegan Keto Diet Plan

This 21-day vegan ketogenic diet plan is filled with simple, easy-to-make, low carb vegan keto recipes you'll love. With over 80 recipes to choose from, weight loss has never tasted so good!

Mexican Stuffed Sweet Potatoes

Mexican Stuffed Sweet Potatoes

This recipe uses fresh ingredients like tomato, cilantro, corn and black beans. Stuffed into sweet potatoes and topped with an easy guacamole. Then drizzled with a citrusy vegan sour cream. Serve as a stand alone main or side dish.

Gordon Ramsay’s Vegan Bacon Recipe — Worth Trying?

Gordon Ramsay’s Vegan Bacon Recipe — Worth Trying?

A version of Gordon Ramsay's vegan rice paper and tofu bacon, with adjusted ingredient ratios for the marinade and clearer instructions. Adapted from the original recipe available here: https://www.gordonramsay.com/gr/recipes/veganblt/

Blauwpaars beplantingsplan – Borderpakket | vtwonen

Blauwpaars beplantingsplan – Borderpakket | vtwonen

Een beplantingsplan voor een border met blauwe, paarse en violette planten. Geschikt voor een zonnige tuin en bloei van mei tot september. Bestel direct.

Banana Zucchini Bread – The Plant Based School

Banana Zucchini Bread – The Plant Based School

Banana zucchini bread is an easy, quick bread recipe that combines the beloved flavor of banana bread with the mouthwatering moistness of zucchini.Expect a beautiful brown crust and a light and soft interior crumb speckled with dark chocolate chips and grated zucchini.