This series focuses on the rare genetic mutations Albinism and Melanism that occur in nature. This collection of artworks showcases the grace of birds and other wild beings with this peculiar genetic trait.
27 Remarkable Images That Will Flame The Fire Of Your Soul
Take a break and indulge in this glutinous compilation of pics.
Preschool Printables Beatrix Potter FREE Printables
This 9-week poetry study guide will take you through nine poems written by Helen Beatrix Potter. Each week (or longer) your student will study one poem.
We Passed Through the Waters PRINT
This is a fine art full-bleed giclee print of an original work. It is offered on fine art paper or on 3/4" depth canvas. The image wraps around the edges and the canvas comes wired and ready to hang. There is an option to order the print with hand painted accents, creating a look very similar to the original piece at a
How to Use the Grid Method for Perfect Proportions
New and experienced artists use the grid drawing method. Learn how a grid can improve your proportions and take your art to another level!
Writing ideas to add conflict to a story how to write a novel fight prompts argument advice author
If you're looking to add conflict to your story or throw a few problems your characters' way, I've got some ideas for you.