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Another Cute and Fluffy Moth

Another Cute and Fluffy Moth

Do you want to pet it?

Redhead News: New Drug Tans Skin Without Exposure to Sun

Redhead News: New Drug Tans Skin Without Exposure to Sun

A new compound promises to give skin a suntan without the sun. Alert: Major redhead news! For all of theof the world, we know the feeling of wanting a natural tanned glow. Many redheads tried countless sunless tanners and at some point in life, accept the skin for what it is: fair, gorgeous.. and not able to tan. But there is hope — researchers in the US have successfully darkened human skin cells grown in a petri-dish, providing an artificial tan that lasted for days. The Massachusetts General Hospital team in Boston have now tested the treatment on human skin

10 Places For The Best Views In Sydney

10 Places For The Best Views In Sydney

Sydney is an incredible city to see and easily one of the best places in Australia to explore when you visit. Now, with a stunner of a city, you'll no - 10 Places For The Best Views In Sydney - Travel, Travel Advice - Australia, Sydney - Travel, Food and Home Inspiration Blog with door-to-door Travel Planner! - Travel Advice, Travel Inspiration, Home Inspiration, Food Inspiration, Recipes, Photography