Manipulation Tactics To Look Out For

Manipulation Tactics To Look Out For. False Concern: "I heard you were sick! I'm so sorry. Can you help me with __?" Mental health quotes.
The Map of Physics: Animation Shows How All the Different Fields in Physics Fit Together

From Newton’s mechanical calculations to Einstein’s general and special relativity to the baffling indeterminacy of quantum mechanics, the discipline of physics has become increasingly arcane and complex, and less and less governed by orderly laws.
Expositor 1.1

Expositor 1.1 is a handy slide-rule based exposure calculator for photography. Normal use: Pick the situation you're shooting, then slide the ruler until your camera's ISO is lined up next to it, and every combination of F-stop and shutter speed to the left will get you close to a perfect exposure. Advanced use, settings based on artistic intent: For a more creative example, let's calculate shooting sports on an overcast day with a shallow depth of field (F4) to isolate the subject, and a fast shutter (1/500s) to stop motion. Match the F-stop and speed, then check the ISO value…
a walk through the blank space

this photo is being discussed in the weekly group. join us! :) © André Lui Bernardo
27 Things Every 3rd Grader Needs to Know

What are the learning targets for eight- and nine-year-olds?
8 Award-Winning Watercolor Artists

The winning artists in the 12th Annual Watermedia Showcase competition showcase the power of watercolor to touch our hearts and stir our senses.