This year marks the 35th anniversary of the Akira manga as penned by Katsuhiro Otomo. To commemorate that, we have an upcoming release of classic Otomo posters and they are gorgeous.
Dress Coloring Pages: Connecting the Dots Between Coloring, Fashion and Sewing
Discover the joy and creativity of fashion with our collection of dress coloring pages. Perfect for fashion enthusiasts and aspiring designers, these pages offer a fun way to explore color combinations and design details. Whether you choose to color digitally or prefer the tactile experience of coloring by hand, these sheets provide a canvas for your imagination. Experiment with different hues and patterns to bring these dresses to life, and print multiple copies to try various looks. Dive into the world of fashion coloring and let these pages inspire your next sewing project or simply provide a relaxing pastime.
Embrace the Random: 57 Cool Pics and Photos with No Relevance Required
Before you dive head first back into another long week, take a few moments and enjoy this super-sized round-up of great photos and interesting images.
Учимся легко сочетать цвета! | Шить просто — Выкройки-Легко.рф
Вы когда-нибудь видели, чтобы природа некрасиво сочетала цвета? (Ответ: нет) А это означает, что универсальная подсказка о сочетании цветов всегда у нас перед глазами! Нужно только развить насмотренность. Смотрите, принцип прост.
Our Five Favorite Free Interior Design Software Programs
Get ready to fall in love with new home and/or office designs this Autumn! Whether you’ve just moved into a new place, are remodeling an...
Deluxe Onyx Rose Marble Effect Porcelain Tile Gloss 60x120cm
Deluxe Onyx Rose Marble Effect Porcelain Tile Polished 60x120cm Complete your bathroom project in exquisite style with this beautiful polished Onyx Rose Marble Effect Porcelain Tile. Versatile and multi-functional with a thickness of just 9mm the Onyx tile offers striking visual style and warm tones helping to create cosy and contemporary atmospheres. The Onyx Rose porcelain tile makes a superb addition to our carefully curated large format 60x120cm porcelain tile range. The beautiful rose pink colour is paired with a charming onyx effect that enriches the polished surface resulting in a prestigious looking tile, perfect for adorning your walls and floors throughout your home including…