A light-filled Victorian cottage in south London with a beautiful oasis of a garden

A light-filled Victorian cottage in south London with a beautiful oasis of a garden

A light-filled Victorian cottage in south London with a beautiful oasis of a garden

With its airy, light-filled extension, lush jungle garden and gently decorated rooms, Tom and Connie Barton’s London house feels like the ideal city home

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Buffalo Chickpea Pizza with White Garlic Sauce and Celery Ranch Dressing. Vegan Recipe – Vegan Richa

Buffalo Chickpea Pizza with White Garlic Sauce and Celery Ranch Dressing. Vegan Recipe – Vegan Richa

This Vegan Buffalo Chickpea Pizza with White Garlic Sauce and Celery ranch dressing packs a ton of flavor and takes minutes to put together. soy-free. Makes 1 large or 2 small pizzas.

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Contemporary cottage garden style – the power of the 70/30 rule

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Creamy Tomato White Bean Stew

Creamy Tomato White Bean Stew

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3-Ingredient Grain Free Tortillas

3-Ingredient Grain Free Tortillas

3 ingredient, soft tortillas that are grain free nut free & vegan!

How to Regrow Vegetable Scraps – Simple Bites

How to Regrow Vegetable Scraps – Simple Bites

Tips for turning kitchen compost scraps into pretty spring greens. Even thought my daughter is just six years old, it’s clear that I’m raising a little environmentalist. Clara carries a bag and picks up garbage on our forest walks, aghast at people who litter. Of her own free will, she turns off the water in...

Writer’s Shed / Matt Gibson Architecture + Design

Writer’s Shed / Matt Gibson Architecture + Design

Completed in 2017 in Elsternwick, Australia. Camouflaged and nestled into a modest residential garden, the Writers Shed provides an isolated workspace for a creative writer. The outbuilding sits...

Diese Pflanze zerstörte 98% der Krebszellen in nur 16 Stunden laut Studie – ☼ ✿ ☺ Bewusst-Vegan-Froh ☺ ✿ ☼

Diese Pflanze zerstörte 98% der Krebszellen in nur 16 Stunden laut Studie – ☼ ✿ ☺ Bewusst-Vegan-Froh ☺ ✿ ☼

Erstaunliche Wirkung: Diese Pflanze kann 98 % der Krebszellen in nur 16 Stunden zerstören Altes Wunderkraut enthüllt sein Geheimnis Bei uns ist Beifuss vielen wohl nur als Hauptbestandteil von Absinth und Wermut bekannt. Wermut ist ein mit Gewürzen und Kräutern aromatisierter Wein, der vor allen Dingen bei Römern und später im Mittelalter beliebt war, wo man Wein verdünnte … Weiterlesen »