Designed by Japanese architect studio FORM/Kouichi Kimura, ‘Scape House’ is a minimal and versatile home located in Shiga, Japan that consists entirely of quadratic forms. In contrast to conventionally large and open windows, the architects opted for narrower ones, which were strategically positioned to create openness while maintaining privacy in the home. The house, which […]
30+ Daybed-in-Office Ideas: Add Comfort and Style to Your Workspace!
Is your workspace missing something? Click here to see ideas for a daybed in the office that can complete your setup!
Self-Taught Artist Sketches Detailed Drawings Illuminating the Beauty of Buildings
They reveal aspects of architecture we might ignore when first passing by.
Un atelier d’artiste comme une mini maison vitrée en Argentine
La mini maison vitrée en Argentine de l'artiste Catalina Ruiz, est son atelier, et l'endroit parfait pour créer entourée par la nature
Fashionable Shelving Units: Design Your Dream Home Library
You might not know that the latest trend in home libraries isn't just about books—it's about creating a visually appealing space that reflects your
Sage Green Bathroom Ideas: Transform Your Space into a Spa-Like Retreat – Quiet Minimal
The bathroom is more than just a functional space; it's a place where you can unwind and rejuvenate. By incorporating sage green elements, you can transform