Adorable Anchor Chart

Adorable Anchor Chart

Adorable Anchor Chart

Pronouns can be so tricky to teach and learn! I shared a photo of an anchor chart I made on Instagram for helping students to understand the concept of a pronoun. With help from TeacherspayTeachers – it received a little bit of l-o-v-e! I received some requests for a printable poster, and I am pleased to say you can download it from TpT HERE for FREE! I hope your students like it. I have started a little packet of printables that would be useful to accompany this and hope to have it finished next week. In other news, I have some new charts that will help your students track their progress towards 100 days at school! You can add a sticker to them each day and count forwards and back from 100. Once you get to the 100 days with your students, use this fun free activity to practice counting to 100 by tens! Thanks so much for stopping by today friends!

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