Taking nearly two years to complete, artist and neuroscientist Dr. Greg Dunn, along with his collaborator Dr. Brian Edwards, have mapped the neurons in the brain for a series of images titled Self Reflected. Produced through a technique they call reflective microetching, the two cross-disciplinary artists track the neural choreography in the mind, creating brilliant images that glow with a metallic luminescence. The works depict a thin slice of the human brain at 22x the normal scale, each created through a combination of hand drawing, neuroscientific data, algorithmic simulation of neural circuitry, photolithography, strategic lighting design, and 1,750 sheets of 22k gold leaf. More
Free Skeletal System Worksheets and Printables
These free skeletal system worksheets are a great addition to your study of the skeletal system. Labeling sheets, build-your-own-skeleton & more.
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Free printables and free downloads for your classroom! You will not want to miss my free teacher resources that YOU and your students will love!
35 Lessons that Explore the Beautiful Pairing of Math and Art (The Art of Education)
Cross-curricular connections are a phenomenal way to help our students develop deeper knowledge. Real life isn’t compartmentalized into just math, just reading, just science, or just art. It’s an
Curation Task Project Ideas for every Subject Area
A digital curation project is a fast way to engage critical thinking in any content area. Here's how it works.
Arnaud Montagard’s photographs of an American road trip look like Edward Hopper paintings
Arnaud Montagard's photographs of an American road trip look like Edward Hopper paintings.