If there’s one thing that COVID-19 has done for sure, it’s waking us up to the fact that we need to live more sustainably and consciously…ASAP. In an initiati
Architecture Site Analysis Guide
Architecture Site Analysis. Taking you through each stage of the site analysis from desktop study, site visit, data collection, evaluation and presentation
Apartment 90 floors above Melbourne is up for sale for $10 million
A luxury three-bedroom apartment in the second tallest residential tower ever constructed in the southern hemisphere is now on the market for $10 million amid a climate of rising defaults.
our aquatic earth
(38702878020676305) good morning and happy tuesday everyone. (38702878020635685) it’s a crazy day from what’s on the news. i hope you’re safe and sound and for those who are facin…
Benfica - RJ
Okawachiyama Pottery Village: The Village of the Secret Kilns
Okawachiyama village is famous for its history as a secret pottery village, where craftsmen hid away centuries ago to perfect their craft.
More Time Does Not Always Equal More Magical Colour Advice
Sometimes a reader or upset customer will send a message that is pure gold to me. This post was inspired by one of those emails.
This Concert Hall’s undulating facade pays homage to the Bilbao Guggenheim by Frank Gehry – Yanko Design
"Tension is a material property that creates both music and architecture", says designer Lihan Jin, alluding to their concert hall's unique facade. Architecture is often referred to as 'frozen music' - a term that pretty much describes the Tension Instrument Concert Hall's unique, eye-catching design. While most designers try to guide a viewer's eyes on