If only these places were real!
La storia delle case-torri tra le montagne del Caucaso
Usate a scopo abitativo e di difesa, queste torri hanno origini antichissime. Dovevano essere costruite in 365 giorni e ogni famiglia benestante del villaggio era tenuta a possederne una
Geheimtipp Nr. 3: Der Privatstrand Es Caragol
Eigentlich gibt es auf Mallorca ja keine Privatstrände. Doch der Naturstrand Es Caragol im Süden von Mallorca ist fast einer.
Kaysersberg – Haut Rhin
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Covent Garden, London at Christmas
A Covent Garden Christmas is stunning with the Christmas tree and lights. This part of London goes all-out for the Christmas season, as these photos show.
Who Knew How Luxurious a Former Army Base Could Be?
This three-bedroom London apartment is swathed in greens, in a nod to Chelsea Barracks’ military past.
Passive Cooling Systems For Sustainable Architecture: A Guide To The Best Options – Arch2O.com
Passive cooling systems are a type of building design that uses natural processes to cool a building without the use of mechanical systems.