In his most famous painting, Sandro Botticelli showed Angelina Jolie rising from the sea on a half shell. That at least is this interpretation by Eisen Bernard Bernardo, an artist in Los Baños, the Philippines. For his series Mag + Art, he takes photos of celebrities from magazine covers and places them neatly over the images of people in famous works of Western art.-via Visual News…
Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France – Best Things to Do in Nouvelle-Aquitaine
This guide to Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France will show you the best things to do in Nouvelle-Aquitaine. From Bordeaux to Limgoes, there's a lot.
The Art Of Getting Ready In The Car
Lessons from a pro.
Воскресный позитив: Обнаженная натура в творчестве великих художников (+18)
Оригинал взят у aloban75 в Воскресный позитив: Обнаженная натура в творчестве великих художников (+18) Обнаженная натура в творчестве великих художников. Дега, Энгр, Давид, Мане, Боттичелли, Ренуар и многие другие (100 работ). Я не стал возле каждой картины указывать авторство и название.…
Model Wearing Infamous 7-Inch Platforms Falls Down Staircase For Marc Jacobs’ Campaign
The show must go on... especially in the case of a planned stumble down a flight of stairs in the name of fashion.