How to use Digital Interactive Notebooks in Google Slides
If you need assistance on how to edit and/or utilize Digital Interactive Notebooks in Google Slides for your classroom, you have come to the right place! In these videos, I will be referencing the Editable Digital Interactive Notebook Templates in this post. This digital Google Slides resource provides editable Interactive Notebook Templates that you can
The Color Thesaurus – Ingrid Sundberg
Update: Hey everyone! Thank you so much for your support of my color thesaurus. I’ve gotten tons of wonderful emails from writers, designers, and educators who all love the thesaurus and want one in their own home. After so many requests, I’m excited to announce I’m currently working on a poster version of the color thesaurus. Woot!...
50+ Fun Homeschool Co-op Class Ideas
These homeschool co-op class ideas will help get you started on choosing the best classes for your group. My hope is that you will tailor these co-op class ideas into an educational experience that is perfect for your students.
How to Write Arguments with Maximum Punch
Arguments are one those things that are both exciting and difficult to write. These are creative writing tips for making sure they have max impact.
Never Before Seen Look at Frank Lloyd Wright’s Unbuilt Arizona Capitol “Oasis” – Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation
Of all Frank Lloyd Wright's unbuilt designs, a snub from Wright's adopted home state of 25 years for its Capitol building still reverberates with this resident's commentary: "What could be more ridiculous than for Arizona to go on record before the world and our own descendants as having rejected Frank Lloyd Wright as an architect?” Find out why Arizona never got its Capitol from America's most famous architect.
Top 15 des cartes de villes françaises version honnête, tout de suite c’est plus clair
Un petit week-end de prévu à Lyon, Bordeaux ou Paris ? Ces quelques cartes honnêtes devraient vous être très utiles. Histoire de ne pas vous retrouver à 3h du mat' perdu dans le quartier le plus craig...