Bikini Drama at Bridal Shower: Whose Side Would You Take?

Bikini Drama at Bridal Shower: Whose Side Would You Take?

Bikini Drama at Bridal Shower: Whose Side Would You Take?

Picture this: you’re at a lovely bridal shower, surrounded by friends and family, and everyone is dressed in their Sunday

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Bendy Candle DIY Tutorial!

Bendy Candle DIY Tutorial!

I saw this trend on Instagram & TikTok and really wanted to make my own cause I thought they were so cool, so here's how to DIY Bendy Candles

Swirl Candle – Wellenkerze

Swirl Candle – Wellenkerze

Die Welle ist die absolute Trend Kerze und der Liebling aller Interieur - Begeisterten.Ich gieße die Wellenform aus nachhaltigem Rapswachs aus deutscher Herstellung. Die Kerze strahlt pure Eleganz aus und ist ein stilvoller Hingucker in deinem Zuhause. Perfekt auch als Geschenk für deine Lieblingsperson oder Dich selbst. Sie sieht nicht nur genial als Dekoration aus, sondern hat auch eine extrem lange Brenndauer und brennen nahezu Ruß frei ab. Bitte achte immer darauf, wenn du solche dekorativen Kerzen anzündest, dass du eine feuerfeste Unterlage wie z.B. eine Marmorplatte unterlegst, am besten mit einem höheren Rand, da das Wachs beim Brennen irgendwann…

30 Pet Names That Members Of This Online Community Have Encountered And Found The Absolute Worst

30 Pet Names That Members Of This Online Community Have Encountered And Found The Absolute Worst

People often consider animals to be full members of their families - and indeed, sometimes there are special animals that fully justify such a status. Well, if it's a family member, then it must have some outstanding name.

Ombre Puff Quilt Tutorial – with VIDEO!

Ombre Puff Quilt Tutorial – with VIDEO!

Download the FREE Ombre Puff Quilt Pattern here! If you've been around for any amount of time, you might've seen my Puff Quilt that my grandmother made for me. I love this thing SO much. She used various scrap fabrics and clothing to create this very dense, yet very snuggly quilt. . . . When I look at this quilt, I see something new each time. Recycled tablecloths from the 80s, pieces of my grandfathers button-down shirts, left-over fabrics from previous quilt projects. The list goes on. Some fabrics are used multiple times within the quilt, while other fabrics are…

6 Easy Stovetop PotPourri Recipes For Every Season

6 Easy Stovetop PotPourri Recipes For Every Season

Easy stovetop potpourri recipes for fall, winter, Christmas, spring, summertime or any time of year! Excellent gift ideas!

Fleur de Lis Svg, Fleur de Lis Bundle Svg, Fleur di lis cut file, Louisiana svg

Fleur de Lis Svg, Fleur de Lis Bundle Svg, Fleur di lis cut file, Louisiana svg

Fleur de Lis Svg Fleur de Lis Bundle Svg Fleur de Lis Silhouette Fleur de Lis Clipart for Cricut & Silhouette Digital File,Instant download This is a digital download file to be used with programs such as Canva, Cricut, Silhouette Studio, etc. - This File is perfect for all your DIY projects or handmade business product lines. You can create T Shirts. - Make do-it-yourself projects easy and fun! Print, cut designs or make your own printable iron Files will be emailed upon payment. - Re-selling our digital files is STRICTLY PROHIBITTED. - Instant download Digital file includes: -SVG -PDF…

Front Post & Back Post Double Crochet Video Tutorial

Front Post & Back Post Double Crochet Video Tutorial

Crochet post stitches create lovely textured fabric. See how to work front post double crochet and back post double crochet, and how they combine to form double crochet rib.