book nooks

book nooks

book nooks

Book nook – 17 of the internet’s coziest, cushiest and most inviting spots to sit and read.

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cereal box monster jaws | fun & easy big kid craft

cereal box monster jaws | fun & easy big kid craft

This is a perfect craft for big kids or older children - cardboard monster jaws. Made from cereal boxes, this is a fun, easy craft activity for summer.

Графический дизайнер

Графический дизайнер

Cовременный дизайнер. Что должен уметь и сколько должен стоить. Разберем в нашей статье - Профессия графический дизайнер.

16 Out-of-the-Box Designs That Could Win Awards With Their Uniqueness

16 Out-of-the-Box Designs That Could Win Awards With Their Uniqueness

Salvador Dali used to say, “Have no fear of perfection — you’ll never reach it.” And while that may seem a bit pessimistic, in reality, it helps free you from the thought that you need to be perfect. Since there is no universal meaning of the word, “perfect,” you should just concentrate on putting your best self forward. That’s the only way you will create wonderful things that people will admire.

TON STOOL 60 – Natural Beech or With Any Wood Stain – Venner Seat

TON STOOL 60 – Natural Beech or With Any Wood Stain – Venner Seat

The Ton Stool 60 is made from timber that has dried for three + months depending on the wood type, its then saturated with steam at 100°C to be formed by hand into the chairs shape on pre formed moulds. Your choice of wood stain ( or natural ) finish is then taken to be processed in the dipping tank rooms. After this is dry the piece will be assembled by hand and a clear lacquer applied. ABOUT TON - Founded in 1861 by Michael Thonet, TON are a Czech manufacturer specialising in bentwood furniture. They still manufacture all furniture…

Homeschooling… Where Do I Start? | How To Start Homeschooling

Homeschooling… Where Do I Start? | How To Start Homeschooling

I was asking this question 4 years ago, so I'm writing the post I wish I'd had. 🥰A little background: Our family began officially homeschooling when our oldest son was entering kindergarten. I wasn't homeschooled and only knew a few homeschooling families, so I had a lot of questions (and trepidation) about choosing a curriculum.Here's what I've learned along the way:+ An open-and-go, boxed curriculum can be very helpful for your first year. We used Sonlight (with no regrets!) and I have many friends who love My Father's World. You go to their website, select your child's grade level, and…

Designquartett – für alle Fans schön gestalteter Dinge

Designquartett – für alle Fans schön gestalteter Dinge

Ein Quartett für Designfans – von der Kehrschaufel aus den 1950er Jahren bis zum Cocktailkleid vom Nobellabel Balenciaga Wer gute Gestaltung liebt, kann sich daran auch beim einfachsten Haushaltsgegenstand erfreuen! Die Kuratoren des Museums für Gestaltung Zürich haben 52 Objekte aus der Sammlung ausgewählt und zu...