Schöne Deko-Kerze in Po-Form / Butt Torso Kerze klein Bitte unbedingt beachten: Wir empfehlen euch sehr, die Kerze eher als Deko zu nutzen und sie NICHT anzuzünden. Da die Kerze in keinem festen Rahmen steht und sehr klein ist, brennt sie schneller ab. Die Kerze in groß findet ihr ebenfalls in unserem Shop 🙂 Handmade Candles Die Kerzen wurden von uns selber, mit 100% biologisch abbaubarem Rapswachs, gegossen. Die Kerzen fertigen wir gerne nach Farbwunsch an & sind duftneutral. Da die Kerzen handmade sind, kann es natürlich immer mal vorkommen, dass der Docht nicht ganz gerade verläuft und die Kerzen nicht “perfekt” sind, das macht aber den ganzen Charme aus. 🙂
I’m late… Happy birthday Huey Dewey and Louie !
How To Remove Serger Stitches the Easy and Fast Way – Melly Sews
Have you ever wondered how to undo serger stitches without ripping them out one by one? This tutorial will show you how.
Crochet club: Summer nightlight jars
Perfect for summer evenings and delectable dinner tables, Kate Eastwood’s beautiful summer nightlight jar covers are fabulous stashbusters and great fun to make! Shop the kit to get everything you need and follow her step-by-step tutorial.
Where Paris Hilton’s exes are now – and who they’re dating
Whatever happened to Paris Hilton? One of the world’s most prominent socialites was everywhere back in the ‘00s, especially after the release of her infamous private tape in 2003. The leak of the video brought Paris to the center of media interest, and she used her newfound popularity to establish a career. Soon enough she was starring in her own reality shows, appearing in films, and even releasing music. It seemed there was nothing she couldn’t do.In the years since her tape hit the internet, Hilton has started to fade from the spotlight. However, the socialite-turned-businesswoman isn’t too upset about…
Sublimation Designs: My Favorite 5 Image Sources
Learn all about the sublimation designs that you can print at home and where to find them. I have 5 website resources for you!
Bastelideen für Kinder im Sommer – TRYTRYTRY
Bastelideen gesucht, die ich für Kinder im Sommer umsetzen könnt? Ich zeige dir kreative Ideen zum Nachmachen.
10 FREE Patterns to Grow your Skills as a Quilter
Modern Quilting Tips, Tricks and Tutorials! - Everything you need to know to make quilting easy and fun so you can do what it is you love to do and create a beautiful joy filled life!
You Never Knew Designing Could Be This Fun: Canva on ChatGPT!
Learn how to create stunning designs instantly using Canva on ChatGPT. Instantly create stunning visuals for your blog or personal brand in 2024.