C.U.P.S. and A.R.M.S.

C.U.P.S. and A.R.M.S.

C.U.P.S. and A.R.M.S.

I am new to teaching Writing in sixth grade. It was a subject previously taught by one of my team members, but now I am on my own. I really wanted to use something simple for my kids to use for revising and editing and it seemed like the C.U.P.S. and A.R.M.S. revising and editing was a simple enough place to start. I also wanted to make something that they could glue into their notebooks for a quick reference. Of course, I quickly hopped over to PicMonkey to create something fast and cute. So far, I am still getting my feet wet when it comes to teaching writing, but the kids liked this and seemed to catch on quickly. Thought I would share my little poster with you. UPDATE WITH FREEBIE!!! Turns out, this little poster has become very popular on Pinterest and has received quite a few hits here on my blog. So, for those of you that would like a free, printable version, I have it linked here on my Teachers Pay Teachers store. Enjoy!

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