『ナショナル ジオグラフィック日本版』創刊200号記念インタビューのゲストは、動物写真家の岩合光昭さん。日本版ができる以前、岩合さんは日本人では唯一、その作品が『ナショナル ジオグラフィック』の表紙を2度も飾った方である。本誌人気コーナー「レンズの裏側」のWeb版スペシャル企画として、撮影の裏話をたっぷりとどうぞ――。(インタビュー・文=高橋盛男/写真=田中良知)
第4回 動物写真で難しいのは“距離感”
Hidden Wonders: The Private History of the Tea Towel
Tea towels are the small but mighty companions that so many of us take for granted, playing a role that is practical, utilitarian and aesthetic. For centuries these seemingly humble…
National Trust: Stick! Book
A bold, beautiful board book about all the fun you can have with a stick – published in collaboration with the National Trust. A boy and his dog set off…
13 Famous Black Families Who Have Left Their Mark on American History
During Black History Month, it’s important to remember that Black experiences are not universal, and neither are the legacies Black families can leave behind.
NATIONAL BISON DAY – First Saturday in November
National Bison Day on the first Saturday in November the country honors one of the most majestic beasts to roam the land.
Inspired By…. National Coffee Day
Hey everyone, welcome to another week of inspiration. With it being National Coffee Day, this seems fitting don’t you think? How are you inspired? coffee? trio? circles? colors? sketch? And…
Words a 2-year-old should know (in English)
Following on from my post in April for the carnival, I was slightly puzzled by the fact that the articles I referred to managed to compile different lists of words…
Article on UNPO and the Uyghurs in Checks & Balances –
Checks & Balances recently published an article on UNPO and the role it plays for the Uyghurs. Checks & Balances is the magazine of Clio – the organization for students…