20 Perfect Anchor Charts To Teach Phonics and Blends
Every great reader has their beginnings in sounding out words!
The Observer’s 20 photographs of the week
The best photographs in news and culture from around the world
Asking questions in English – Question forms – Test-English
Learn how to ask questions with our A2 pre-intermediate grammar lesson that includes a clear chart, fun exercises, and lots of examples!
Daily Petri Dish
For every day in 2013 San Francisco based artist Klari Reis will be creating art within the confines of plexiglass petri dishes for a project called The Daily Dish, which is a continuation of a project she completed back…
Why To Do Lists Don’t Work
Research on resolutions is very instructive when it comes to traditional to-do lists. It turns out that motivation to fulfill a resolution such as losing weight or getting in shape goes down after we look into diets or check out gyms. The act of doing something–anything–relieves the anxiety that moved us to make the resolution …
Creative Writing Syllabus & Rubric (for Writers and Tutors) – creative writing blog
Creative Writing Syllabus & Rubric (PDF for viewing) Creative Writing Syllabus & Rubric (PDF for printing) This is the syllabus I was never given in my university course. After meditating on my own slow and sporadic epiphanies on the subject of writing, I created this giant list of skills and criteria to get a better sense of…
Nature Journals – Ideas and Tips
There are no right or wrong ways to keep a nature journal. The main point of a nature journal is to keep a personal account of your experiences outdoors whether you sketch or write about it.