Cats Who Are Way Better At Being A Human Than You Are

Cats Who Are Way Better At Being A Human Than You Are

Cats Who Are Way Better At Being A Human Than You Are

The Dodo serves up emotionally and visually compelling, highly sharable animal-related stories and videos to help make caring about animals a viral cause.

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How to mix interesting neutrals and greys with watercolor | Julia Bausenhardt

How to mix interesting neutrals and greys with watercolor | Julia Bausenhardt

There are a few different ways you can mix neutral colors. You can get interesting greys and browns with just the slightest hint of their base colors by adding complementary colors together…

What a fangtastic father! True Blood vampire Alexander Skarsgard turns doting daddy on set of new film

What a fangtastic father! True Blood vampire Alexander Skarsgard turns doting daddy on set of new film

The 34-year-old actor was on the set of his new movie, What Maisie Knew, shooting scenes with his on-screen daughter in New York today.

20 Things I Love! Volume 2 – Nunn Design

20 Things I Love! Volume 2 – Nunn Design

Time again to highlight excellence in creativity! The world is a better place because we create. It takes time and dedication to master these various art forms and I am so very grateful for all of you that show up day after day to create. Credit: @nysaceramic Credit: @ahmer_aleem Credit: @dotpebbles_knits Credit: @sallyblakeartist Credit: @anchorball Credit: @national_archaeology Credit: @_katiebramlage_ Credit: @heegeldab Credit: @betsyyoungquist Credit: @tempuradesign [...]