Christmas Chalkboard Inspiration

Christmas Chalkboard Inspiration

Christmas Chalkboard Inspiration

Great collection of Christmas chalkboard ideas to inspire you for the holiday season!

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How a Mom’s Facebook Post Ruined a Man’s Reputation For Life

How a Mom’s Facebook Post Ruined a Man’s Reputation For Life

These days it's hard to control how fast stories can spread across social media — especially those with misinformation. One father learned this lesson

28 sentiers magiques qui ne demandent qu’à être traversés.

28 sentiers magiques qui ne demandent qu’à être traversés.

28 sentiers magiques qui ne demandent qu'à être traversés.Les routes et les chemins envahissent la littérature la poésie l'art les expressions linguistiques

How to draw a cute little mouse character in Procreate – Lisa Glanz

How to draw a cute little mouse character in Procreate – Lisa Glanz

Let’s draw a cute little mouse, it’s not as hard as you think! In this Procreate tutorial I’ll show you how to draw the little cutie mouse using one of the Character Drawing Toolkit shapes. Then we move onto adding colour and yummy texture in Procreate using the Instant Artist Collection! #letsdrawlisaglanz Happy sketching!

The witty teachers who have the best banter with their students

The witty teachers who have the best banter with their students

From teachers who wore pyjamas to early lectures, to those who saw the funny side of assignments handed in late, students around the world have shared their comical classroom moments.