Cleanup Time Tips and Tricks

Cleanup Time Tips and Tricks

Cleanup Time Tips and Tricks

Clean up time is hard! Save time and sanity with these handy clean up time tips and tricks from real preschool teachers.

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Behavior Good or Bad choices for the students , kindergarten

Behavior Good or Bad choices for the students , kindergarten

Behavior : Good or Bad choices (right or wrong) This worksheet activity for the students in your group as well as students who have a hard time making good choices. (Decision Making right, wrong, good or bad worksheet,activity, social skill kids) Which students behave as good students and which ones aren’t? The students can color the smiley face for Yes or the sad face for No. Enjoy and If you like the this worksheet Please follow my store Thank you so much. (Educa Studio by AJP)

Fake a Black Background: Introducing the Inverse Square Law

Fake a Black Background:  Introducing the Inverse Square Law

This is guest post from a couple of years ago that i've moved over from the old blog - so if you are are a long-time follower you may have read this before but it was such a good tutorial I had to share it again! If you have ever wondered how you can get a black background without a backdr

Best Typing Games for Kids (for free)

Best Typing Games for Kids (for free)

Kidztype is the best free typing game for kids. Kids will learn to type faster while playing these FREE fun typing games.

How to homeschool writing without curriculum

How to homeschool writing without curriculum

Writing, I believe, is one of the most vital skills we can teach our kids, whether we homeschool or not. It is so poorly taught in modern education, yet

Common Core Language Standard 2 – Grade 4 Resources

Common Core Language Standard 2 – Grade 4 Resources

CCRA.L.2 states: "Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing." How will you address this with your fourth grade class? The first step I take is direct instruction and daily practice of parts of speech, capitalization, and punctuation. I present three connected rules per week (for example, identifying adjectives, capitalizing proper adjectives, and commas in series of adjectives). Students practice with three sentences each day, spiraling their knowledge and understanding of mechanics. This has worked wonders in my own classroom. Mechanics: Your Daily Tune-Up is focused, gives plenty of practice, and takes only a…

How to Homeschool 3 Days a Week

How to Homeschool 3 Days a Week

Looking to mix things up in your homeschool this year? Get all the tips on how I plan a simple 3 day homeschool week.

34 Cooly Splashing Water Waves Photos | Naldz Graphics

34 Cooly Splashing Water Waves Photos | Naldz Graphics

With good cameras and splendid lenses, it is indeed easy to capture magnificent views and even motions of things especially in nature. The beach is quite a