Color Palette #396

Color Palette #396

Color Palette #396

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40 Mind Pausing Ideas of Urban Sketching for Beginners

40 Mind Pausing Ideas of Urban Sketching for Beginners

So you have got all your supplies and inspiration to start urban sketching. Urban sketching for beginners really confused them how to start and where to get started. Don’t worry we are here to help you get on with your journey along with lots of tips and techniques.

Dante and Virgil in Bouguereau’s Hell

Dante and Virgil in Bouguereau’s Hell

Let's consider why William-Adolphe Bouguereau's "Dante and Virgil in Hell" is one of the most mysterious canvases of academic painting.

How student’s ‘work of art’ textbook notes helped him get 100% in his exams

How student’s ‘work of art’ textbook notes helped him get 100% in his exams

Proud tutor Yusuke Suzuki shared pictures of the student's impressive annotations after he aced a history test

Arachne: Worshiping The Queen Of Spiders | Tea & Rosemary

Arachne: Worshiping The Queen Of Spiders | Tea & Rosemary

Arachne, a Lydian maiden bearing fingers as nimble as the gods, was said to have been able to weave the most beautiful fabrics from the finest of threads. Although the story stems from a lesser-known

Tezza x Charles Barton Kit

Tezza x Charles Barton Kit

VIBE: Charles Barton is an artist based in Brooklyn, New York. From a young age, the inherent beauty in the world and oneself pulled him to philosophy and design. He eventually started sketching people in everyday-life, studying the human psyche and form. Barton’s art continues to evolve but the soul of the work remains a constant; each stroke reveals the beauty available to all but so often unnoticed. As a hand-painted sign above his studio door reads, “it’s all here.” WHAT: This Kit contains 90 individual works of art. HOW: With some scissors and tape, you are the artist. Scotch tape or…

A Closer Look at Edgar Degas’ Ballet Dancers

A Closer Look at Edgar Degas’ Ballet Dancers

'A painting requires a little mystery, some vagueness, and some fantasy.' Edgar Degas Let's take a closer look at Edgar Degas' ballet dancers. It's a large body of work, containing around 1,500 paintings, sketches, pastels, and sculptures. Degas sums them up nicely in the above quote. I cover: Edgar Degas, Ballet at the Paris Opera,

Prismacolor Colors I Don’t Use — Carrie L. Lewis, Artist

Prismacolor Colors I Don’t Use — Carrie L. Lewis, Artist

In today's post, I want to share a list of the Prismacolor colors I don't use. I'll also tell you the Polychromos colors I use instead.